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Let's Go Over the Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer

Let's Go Over the Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer

How about that trailer? As a noted fan of the Sequel Trilogy, I thought it was pretty excellent. I think there’s a lot to unpack, so let’s get to unpacking, shall we? Star Wars Authentics has shots from the trailer available until Wednesday October 30th, as well.

I don’t know that I would call what’s to follow spoilers. It will definitely be my interpretation of the trailer, with editorial comments strewn throughout. So if you’re the type that stays totally within their own head until the movie is on the screen in front of them, proceed with caution. I’m going to be looking at the trailer both as a fan and with an eye towards autograph potential, of which there is a TON. There’s probably going to be a lot of moments that are shockingly obvious, because I haven’t really had a chance to discuss this much, and what might be meaningful to me may be obvious to you and vice versa.

The trailer opens with Rey running through a forest, seemingly being chased. There’s a flash of a deflected blast at the end of the sequence and a glimpse of what could be a training remote in the upper left. Rey running with a lightsaber seems to be a theme to the beginning of the Finn voice-over segment of the trailer. I think the jump to the interior of a Star Destroyer is either a different scene or we’re seeing part of a vision or flashback. There is the potential for a cool looking post action shot in that scene, for fans of the Determined Rey look.

The second voice-over segment brings us new views of the rest of the main hero cast, including what could be a really cool trio shot of Poe, Finn, and Chewie. With Joonas a con regular as is, and the ST coming to a close, we may see Isaac and Boyega hitting the con scene or participate in private signings in a limited capacity in the next few years.


Ah, the water scenes. I think that the images of Rey and Kylo Ren on the barrier wall will be among the more iconic images from this movie. Determined Rey and Soaked Kylo on their own will be popular images, along with the duel sequences as a popular multi shot. Indeed, Topps Star Wars Authentics already has provided images of all of these shots from the sequences.

Palpatine has his own voice-over segment, and seems to confirm that he will be involved in some capacity. I try to stay as spoiler free as possible going into new movies, so I don't know if he's a clone, a Palp-bot from the Aftermath series, or something else, but it's clear that there will be an opportunity to add Ian McDiarmid to Rise of Skywalker pieces. Based on the trailer, there will at least be some scenes with Rey and whatever version of Palpatine is in the movie. The throne is really cool looking, from a Ralph McQuarrie design from Return of the Jedi, and I hope that there's some version of the Emperor on that throne because I think that'd look extremely cool signed.

I love OT Imperial Star Destroyers, and it looks like we'll have an opportunity to see many more in the new movie. Whether that comes with opportunities to add new First Order or Imperial officers will have to be seen, but at the very least this is a good opportunity for behind the scenes signers or as a generic multi piece.


People seem to be enthralled with the C-3P0 scene, with good reason. It will likely be an emotionally impactful scene, before he turns into the red-eyed murderbot seen from the first trailer. I'm just kidding, I don't think JJ is going to turn Threepio evil. The shots from that scene are already on the Topps Star Wars Authentics website, including the shot with Keri Russell, Oscar Isaac, BB-8, D-0, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Anthony Daniels in an unorthodox 6x14 size. I think that will be a big seller, and a great target for multi signature fans.


My pick for the new cool looking alien in this movie is Babu Frik, the seemingly Men in Black inspired droid mechanic working on Threepio in this scene. I'm looking forward to seeing the BTS multi signed shots that I know will come out of his scene, and any other potential scenes he may be in.

Luke's voice-over is pretty much a montage of action shots, including the speeder chase scene from the first trailer with Isaac, Boyega, Daniels, and BB-8. Depending on the impact of that scene, I could see that being a popular choice for multi signers.

The shots of Rey and Kylo Ren fighting in the remnants of the Emperor's Throne Room, and in the white room with the Vader shrine will also be popular multi signed images. They're available now, and I anticipate seeing a great many of these for the next round of Ridley/Driver signings that will be happening in Star Wars Autograph Universe after the movie is released.


There is also an opportunity for people to start adding Ian McDiarmid to the image of what looks like the Emperor descending on Rey in some sort of mecha-contraption. McDiarmid shows up at conventions several times per year, although he has nothing scheduled as of right now. With his appearance in the new movie, I would anticipate he will be readily available sooner rather than later. It's an interesting thing to be able to add multiple trilogy names to pieces that span different sides of the ongoing fight between dark and light in the Star Wars universe. Duel shots have always been popular, but I think this is the first time that actors spanning different trilogies have been available in the same image in this unexpected way. To me this is different than a Rey and Han Solo shot, but I'm not sure I can fully articulate exactly why. We knew that once Harrison Ford was announced for The Force Awakens that he would be integral to the development of the story of the Resistance. He was going to serve as a bridge between the original trilogy and the new, along with Carrie Fisher. I don't know what role the Emperor will serve, but it already feels different than that.



There are some difficult signers in the new movie, notably Oscar Isaac and Domhnall Gleeson from the main cast. Isaac has shown a willingness to sign in person, and I think would be a good target for a send-in signing opportunity in the future. Gleeson has signed limited Star Wars in the last two years since The Last Jedi, but his recent Topps Star Wars Authentics signing shows that he is willing to accommodate private signings. With the announcement of the partnership between Topps Star Wars Authentics and Star Wars Autograph Universe for the Kelly Marie Tran signing, there could be more opportunities to add previously hard to get names to cast pieces and meaningful individual shots in the future, that would make all of the shots discussed in this article feasible to complete in relatively short order. We are the largest concentration of Star Wars autograph collectors on the Internet, and we can demonstrate to the powers that be that we are an excited, engaged, RESPECTFUL fan base, thus opening doors to more signings.


All in all I'm very excited about the new trailer, and the new movie in general. I think it's a great opportunity to get some iconic shots signed, and hopefully a great movie that closes out the saga in a satisfying way, while paving the way for ongoing content for a long time to come. Also, more space horses.

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